Built By Pros

Plasterers & Cement Masons

Built By Pros in Central Iowa

Plasterers and Cement Masons

Plasterers & Cement Masons


Today’s apprenticeship training is managed by labor and management as equal partners, and it has evolved to meet the needs of the modern construction industry. An apprentice in the OPCMIA will be taught the skills and knowledge of the trade through a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction. This two pronged approach to training permits a young person beginning their career to advance quickly while becoming an ever increasingly productive member of the crew.

OPCMIA apprenticeship programs offer a standardized curriculum and include the following important aspects of training:

  • Introduction to the industry and trade history
  • Identification and proper use of tools
  • Material composition and mixes
  • Repair and restoration
  • Scaffolding and OSHA Safety Courses
  • Blueprint reading
  • First-aid and CPR Certification

Apprenticeship Training

The OPCMIA ITF’s world-class apprenticeship program trains workers to become the best-skilled craftspeople in their fields, commanding middle-class incomes, comprehensive health care coverage and retirement benefits. They receive a debt-free, technologically-advanced education while earning a good living that, in turn, opens doors of opportunity to rewarding, fulfilling careers as OPCMIA journeypeople.

Earn While You Learn

Built by Pros is a pipeline to the skilled trades workforce. We provide registered apprenticeships for long-term careers with competitive salary, benefits, and no student debt. In our program, you will work with Union professionals and certified instructors and enjoy these rewards:

  • Paychecks and benefits
  • Hands-on career training
  • Debt-free education
  • National industry certification
  • Pathway to a rewarding and successful career

For more information or to apply for this apprenticeship program contact:

Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons International Assoc of the United States and Canada Local #21


Boilermarkers • Bricklayer & Allied CraftworkersCarpenters • Electricians • Elevator Constructors • Glaziers • Insulators • Ironworkers • Laborers • Operating Engineers • Painters • Plasterers & Cement Masons • Plumbers & Steamfitters • Roofers & Waterproofers • Sheet Metal Workers