Built by Pros is excited to announce they have expanded to Central Iowa with a new chapter of the organization. With a focus on bringing awareness to building a career in the trades, Built by Pros is finding success in their model of uniting all trades around one table. And, now that table has expanded to include Central Iowa.
“We saw the success Eastern Iowa had uniting around one brand – Built by Pros – with one message – you can build a successful career in the trades. And, we wanted to expand upon that,” Mark Smith, with the Carpenters Local 106 stated.
“The success of Built by Pros in Eastern Iowa in bringing awareness to rewarding careers in the trades, is a testament to our membership. We want people to know you can build a career in the trades that lasts a lifetime and provides for your family,” explained Eastern Iowa Board Member, Mike Sadler with the Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local 125.
Built by Pros Central Iowa is proud to have partnered with the Des Moines Construction Council to bring the Central Iowa chapter to life. Built by Pros invites anyone who is ready to start a career, or change a career, to learn more about a career in the trades at builtbypros.com.
About Built by Pros: Built by Pros was founded in Eastern Iowa as an organization committed to growing the union trades. Today, Built by Pros has chapters in both Eastern Iowa and Central Iowa focused on creating awareness around careers in the trades and utilizing union contractors. Our organization is a collaborative effort showcasing what can happen when those who build our communities build a long-term rewarding career for themselves.
Your future is in your hands. Join the men and women who work for the signatory contractors, suppliers, and skilled trade building industry in Central Iowa. We’re building our futures and the future of the Greater Des Moines community together. Build your career today!
We are the thousands of women and men who work for the signatory contractors, suppliers, and skilled trade building industry in our regions. Covering Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Dubuque, and the rest of Eastern Iowa – we’re building our careers and communities. Join us today!
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